Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy 100 Days!

After ending Term 2 on a 'high' with an excursion and an open morning, Prep A also won the Specialists' Cup for the second time. This was a real compliment for Prep A, reflecting the interest the class has in Art, Music, Japanese and PE. Well done everyone!

We can hardly believe that 100 days of Prep has passed - certainly a great reason for celebration.
We made special masks and necklaces and enjoyed a special morning tea of delicious cakes and fruit. Happy 100 days at Kerrimuir, Prep A!!!!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

News update!

Term 2 ended with a visit to the Circus Skills studio where everyone had a turn on the trapeze, tight rope and climbing rope as well as using all the other exciting equipment.

We also had an open morning where Mums and
Dads could come and see all the lovely work we had produced over the term.