Sunday, June 25, 2017

Edendale Farm Excursion
We were amazed at the size of our 'food footprint', that is, the scale, cost and impact of the processes to make and deliver food to us. Look at the difference when you grow and make your own!!
So we tracked the journeys of some of our favourite foods and were astounded at the distance they had travelled.

Mmmm-worms love these scraps! The poo they produce is fantastically nutritious for the soil and it doesn't even smell, as we found out!

Worms at work, making fabulous soil and worm tea!

Giving the compost a helping hand...
Planting our pea seeds...
and baby lettuces.
Meeting the animals (that we eat) was a treat.

Thank you Edendale, for a fantastic day!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Term 1, 2017

An exciting development in our school journey has been the use of iPads for various purposes - in Mathematics, Science, Literacy and General Studies tasks so far. We have used them to photograph, record, read, write creatively and complete questionnaires and quizzes. We are continuing to use apps. such as 'Explain Everything' to display our learning via alternative means.